1)  OWNERSHIP : This site is owned and operated by Bertrand Alex Fernandes.

  2) CONTENT : The content on this site " Food Recipes" are my own or passed down from generation with a twist of my own. In no way are they "copied" or "scrapped" from any  other site. 

 3) GUEST BLOGGER: From time to time "Guest bloggers" may post their content on this blog. I am in no way responsible for their post being scrapped or copied from other sites.I don't approve of such malpractices and if brought to my notice will take down that particular post or site.

4)  COPYRIGHT: Many of the recipes or images are fully created from scratch and even the ones not created from scratch are not for copying by any other blogger. If brought to my notice I will file a lawsuit on that particular blogger or author.

5) SERVICES: I will be hosting google adsense on my blog as and when approved. Apart form that no other servies will be hosted. If I put links I will place a note below that particular post informing that a particular links has been posted. But mostly the only service I plan to have is google adsence.

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